George 111 Sheraton Style Mahogany Kingwwod Banded Bow End Pembroke Table
George 111 Sheraton Style Mahogany Kingwwod Banded Bow End Pembroke Table
George 111 Sheraton Style Mahogany Kingwood Banded Bow End Pembroke Table. The top having half round drop leaves with kingwod banded edges the same banding around the bow end top and all having half round moulded edges. The full length oak lined drawer having the original beaded ring drop handles with star burst back plates. Matching dummy drawer to the opposing side both having kingwood cross banded edging. Boxwood strung panels above the boxwood strung square tapered legs on bras cap castors with wooden coton reel wheels. One leg has been carved with E.H.V.R
26" wide + 2. 13 1/2" leaves
42" deep
28 1/2" high